Sumita Chakraborty

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

With 20 years of hard-core media experience, Sumita Chakraborty is the quintessential media savvy professional who believes that the written word can indeed change the world. Her baptism into the kaleidoscopic world of journalism started in Magna Publishing Limited where she worked as Associate Editor, SAVVY magazine, Editor, Stardust Style Fashion & Bridal, and Editor-in-chief, Stardust. She has written for various premium newspapers, magazines and webportals in India and abroad. In TheGlitz.Media, she promises to delve beyond the superficial and capture the essence of real news pertaining to entertainment, lifestyle, travel, food, beauty and everything else that makes the world go ‘round. Ask her what one can expect from TheGlitz.Media and Sumita says: “Style, Sensibility, Spirited ‘sassy’ness… and of course, going beyond the ordinary to achieve the extraordinary to give the readers the ultimate experience in entertainment.”

Rajeev Mokashi

Co-Founder & Special Niche Content Strategist

With more than 20 years of experience, Rajeev Mokashi has dabbled and excelled in various niche media segments from marketing, advertising, circulation & subscription and special content writing. So it’s not really rocket science to infer that there’s nobody better than Rajeev Mokashi to know the ‘in’ and ‘out’ of media. And, why not? His expertise in all media driven fields lauds his abilities to scoop out the superficial and delve into the core of matters. He believes in quality over quantity and is a rigid perfectionist who prefers to walk the thin line of excellence, no matter what. So what does TheGlitz.Media stand for Rajeev, and he says simply: The best of the best in entertainment.