Put your hands together for TheGlitz 'Super Woman': Shilpa Khanna Thakkar, CEO, Chicnutrix. Her story is unique. While growing up, her first language was never English but she graduated from the prestigious world-renowned Cardiff University. So, when after over a decade in a premium financial service company, JP Morgan, the dynamic Shilpa decided to plunge into entrepreneurship. And thus Chicnutrix was created! But with time, the focus of Chicnutrix moved towards creating a premium brand that focuses on the needs of everyone and anyone for healthy skin and hair. Today, Shilpa Khanna Thakkar is the founder of Chic Moms Tribe, an online community for women. Chicmomstribe has collaborated with Bollywood actor Neha Dhupia to talk about post-partum hair fall and has celebrity Sucheta Pal as its post-partum coach. Read on to know why Shilpa Khanna Thakkar is a true blue TheGlitz 'Super Woman'.