Fearless, feisty, fierce women... women who know what they want and are gutsy even to go and get it. ...Whether it is to conquer the tallest ambition or to step into an unknown path... our elite band of TheGlitz 'Super Women have been there, done that'. Presenting the next exclusive spirited gang of TheGlitz 'Super Women'...
TheGlitz ‘Super Woman’ Manpreet Kaur, the Co-Founder of OSM Records, is one woman who has made her niche in a predominantly male dominated music production industry by forming a successful record label. In a very short span of 4 years, OSM has already delivered multiple hits and created a niche for their music and artists in a hyper competitive environment. An appearance at an industry event led to a fated encounter with Himanshu Shekhar, that resulted in a partnership that created Vipra Dialogues and later OSM Records (2018).