Somy Ali, who runs a US-based NGO called No More Tears and helps rehabilitate victims of domestic violence and rape, says that topics such as domestic violence are a taboo in society today. She adds that victims are still blamed for such social evils, and this needs to change. TheGlitz reports.
Whenever I speak to Mumbai's ace PR consultant Prashant Golecha, I tell him, "You should be an actor or a model." Well somebody up there must have heard that and guess what... Prashant turned model with former Bollywood actress-turned-NGO owner, the compassionate Somy Ali's No More Tears' range of Human Being T-shirts. For the unversed, Prashant Golecha is arguably one of the best PR consultants who is extremely passionate about his brands and his clients. He has been in the industry for a long time and is an MBA in Marketing. Read on...