KAI India’s Head of Marketing, Hitesh Singla, tells TheGlitz how the Japanese lifestyle brand’s unique offering in the cooking, grooming, and beauty care industries is wooing Indian consumers and helping it stand out in a crowded marketplace.
As people age, their needs evolve, encompassing various aspects of physical, emotional, and social well-being. Addressing these needs holistically can significantly enhance the quality of life for senior citizens. TheGlitz takes a comprehensive look at what senior citizens typically require and how these needs can be met effectively.
When I visited the gorgeous Emerald Isles - Ireland, I went for a distillery tour to Jameson Irish Whiskey and boy, was it a revelation seeing the entire process of how whiskey is distilled and bottled. So I was very fascinated when I was told that East Side Distillery had launched its distilling tours ushering in a new wave of distillery tourism in India. To know more about this, I, Sumita Chakraborty, Editor-in-chief, TheGlitz caught up with Victor De Benito - head distiller at East Side Distillery and asked him more about the spirit business and their distilling tours.
TheGlitz has heard a lot about how aluminum is trendsetting in furniture design. So we called Mangala Patil and Varsha Yashvant, Co-founders of VAASA, to tell us more about this magical element in furniture design. Read on as Mangala and Varsha, Co-founders of VAASA tell us what makes aluminum the hero in furniture design these days.
A world of ethical luxury awaits as the doors of Avira Diamonds, India’s finest lab-grown diamonds brand swing open their fourth store in Bangalore. Each stunning piece is a testament to their passion and determination to revolutionise the fine diamond industry by making sustainable luxury attainable for every Indian family.
Sonam Wangchuk was recently in the news for fasting for 21 days to 'Save Ladakh'. It was a protest against climate change, Save the Himalayas, environmental woes and government apathy. Did it make a difference? Sumita Chakraborty, Editor-in-chief, TheGlitz, profiles the innovator, environmentalist and educationist, every Indian needs to know about - Sonam Wangchuk!
There's a 'Red Alert' in Maxim City for a scorching heat wave and what better way to escape the scorching heat than by seeking refuge in your inside haven replete with indoor plants in pretty planters? Whether it's your office or living room, a touch of green can make it a haven of tranquility more so with Bonasila planters. TheGlitz pick of the week: Planters by Bonasila.These exquisite planters will infuse your living space with a touch of nature, revitalizing the ambiance.