In 2016, I sat down with Dr Anjhula Mya Singh Bais for a wide ranging interview and cover shoot. It was India's foremost women's magazine ‘SAVVY’ Magazine’s historic first black and white cover. Readers flooded the magazine with letters of appreciation for her interview variously citing her courage and grace, and how that left an indelible mark not only on the countless readers but me as well – I was truly inspired by her strength, clarity of thought, and unwavering commitment to the truth. As a result, she earned the ‘SAVVY’ woman of the year award. I still remember her request of minimum air brushing and photoshop be used for the cover. Cut to a decade later: Described as one of the most powerful women in Asia, and one of the best educated Indian entertainment industry figures, Dr Anjhula embodies what TheGlitz Media is about: Style, Sensibility, Spirited ‘sassy’ness… and of course, going ‘Beyond The Superficial & The Ordinary’ to achieve the extraordinary to give the readers the ultimate experience in media. At the start of the year, I sat down with her for a quick catch up on what she is doing almost a decade later. Read on...