TheGlitzMegaStarMom Geeta Arya is an integral part of Geeta Vaibhav Architects. Geeta is also TheGlitzMegaStarMom and the proud mother of two boys. Ask her how she manages work and her two boys and Geeta says, "Running a business as a mother alludes to both my children needing my attention, and I can’t favour either of the two." Read on...
TheGlitzMegaStarMom Divya Dixit has 20+ years of experience in marketing and brand building across industries — digital, broadcast, telecom, and music. She's also a dedicated mom who says that after the birth of her daughter, "I was reborn with her." Ask Divya about her children and she avers, "I have three kids. 1 born from me and 2 came home to live with us, furry paw babies... and my heart stays with them all the time no matter where I am."
Meet TheGlitzMegarStarMom Bhakti Mody, yoga teacher and super mom. Bhakti’s mom introduced yoga into her life when she was a child, however, she disliked it back then. She started out in the PR industry, and eventually, between her work and marriage, yoga happened. She has trained with Shiv Holistic Yoga to get certified as a yoga instructor and today, she's a very popular yoga instructor. Being a mom and an entrepreneur is a constant tightrope walk, she says. But Bhakti Mody has mastered it. Read on...