Environment Warriors! At TheGlitz, our commitment to environmental causes and promoting sustainability is at the core of our mission. We believe that every action, no matter how small, can contribute to a healthier planet and a sustainable future. By integrating eco-friendly practices into our operations and actively supporting environmental initiatives, we aim to inspire others to join us in making a positive impact on the world. To further our mission, TheGlitz proudly spotlights environmental warriors - individuals, brands, and companies who are making significant contributions to sustainability and environmental protection.
Eclectic. Gender Neutral. Upscaled & Sustainable. Ribhav Kapur, the 38-year-old founder of Econock wanted his brand to epitomize all this and more. In fact, Ribhav insists that Econock, his Delhi-based luxury brand is his dream project as he has always been inclined towards eclectic yet functional things. In a heart-to-heart conversation with Sumita Chakraborty, Editor-in-chief, TheGlitz, Ribhav talks passionately about Econock, his brand which creates luxury accessories through upscaling, sustainable fashion & more...