Lita’s Larder’s Yummilicious Bread Pudding!

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Simple, quick and fun… Indeed, Lita’s Larder’s tagline is Eat. Play. Enjoy! Home Cook Lita has divulged all her kitchen secrets to TheGlitz on how to prepare simple, easy food in a fun way. For this Sunday treat, TheGlitz presents Lita’s Larder’s super yummy Bread Pudding. The recipe is very simple and easy… and the taste… super delicious. Enjoy!


For Caramelizing:

4 tsp sugar

1 tsp water

For the rest of the recipe

1/2 litre milk

5 buttered leftover slices of bread

2 eggs, well beaten

1/2 cap vanilla

Handful of raisins

Pinch of salt

3 tsp of sugar



  1. Take a round cake tin. See that it sits in the pressure cooker well.
  2. For carmelizing: In the cake tin, put 4 tsp of sugar and 1/2 tsp water. Heat it on the gas on medium-low flame. Keep stirring until the sugar turns a rich golden brown colour. Take off the gas and keep it aside.
  3. In another pan, pour the milk, add the beaten eggs and buttered bread slices. Break the slices into bits and mix it well in the milk.
  4. Put the pinch of salt, remaining sugar, vanilla and raisins. Mix well.
  5. Add a tsp of butter and pour the mixture into the cake tin holding the caramelized sugar.
  6. Pour water into the pressure cooker. Put your cake tin with the mixture in it until 1/4th of the bottom is covered with the water. Cover the tin with a plate and put something heavy on it.
  7. Close the pressure cooker and let it cook for 25-30 minutes.
  8. Put off the gas and after the lid of the pressure cooker drops, with a knife loosen the sides.
  9. Put a plate and turn it upside down until the caramelized side is up.
  10. Put it in the fridge and leave it to cool for 30 mins. Voila, your bread pudding is ready!

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