An aesthetic dermatologist to some of the most beautiful faces in Mumbai, TheGlitz ‘Super Woman’ Dr. Madhuri Agarwal is the Medical Director & CEO of Yavana Aesthetics Clinic. She has been catering to a wide gamut of people from diverse backgrounds including top names from the television & fashion fraternity, CEOs, entrepreneurs and housewives. With over 16 years of experience, Dr. Madhuri today is one of the best when it comes to aesthetic care. Isn’t Dr Madhuri Agarwal, the perfect TheGlitz ‘Super Woman’?

Your journey has had many momentous milestones. Could you tell us about your life-changing journey that has moulded you to be what you are today?
Any journey is about purpose and destination, and so has been mine. There cannot be anything more beautiful to happen, than finding your true passion and true purpose. That’s what occurred when as a medical student I realized that instead of just curing ailments, I can go a step further and add beauty to people’s lives, and I embarked on my pursuit for it by choosing Dermatology as a profession. I joined Kaya Skin clinics after completing my MD Dermatology and in a short span of time, I was one of the youngest Medical Heads helming 33 clinics for Kaya. In the initial years, I made a lot of mistakes. However, I was determined to give my best and follow the path of my predecessors. In this journey, I have always believed that I must spend maximum time in my area of work to excel in it. After my successful stint with Kaya, I started my own brand Yavana Aesthetics Clinic, a state of art dermatology and aesthetic center with the vision of getting the best technologies to India for our patients. I realised that the aspiration and awareness of beauty and wellness were on the rise and there was a lacuna of information for both dermatologists and our community. I discovered I love teaching and educating about aesthetic dermatology. Hence I started educational videos and posts on my social media platforms and training physicians on aesthetic dermatology. In my journey, I also learned and I practice an important quality i.e. be Human. I have made myself always accessible to my patients and I encouraged my team and peers to think, debate and challenge their minds in discussions with me. I enjoy teaching and interacting with everyone and the journey continues to date.

Could you list 3 of your major achievements?
First, it is my brand Yavana Aesthetics Clinic which started as a one-consulting room clinic and today, it is a multiple clinic brand sprawled across 2000 sq feet of space. Using and implementing high-end internationally certified aesthetic technology has placed Yavana at the forefront of aesthetic care in India. Since patient safety and satisfaction are my top priorities, I personally deliver aesthetic procedures such as injectables and advanced technologies to my patients.
Second is Yavana Aesthetic Academy which I set up with the vision to provide global, practical learnings to our upcoming dermatologists as we had limited resources and tools to master aesthetics in India. Our academy has successfully trained thousands of dermatologists over the past decade. My biggest achievement is that I am still in touch with all of them and interact with most of them regularly,seeing them prosper with joy.
My most important achievement is the strong, endurable bonds I have formed with people I have been with as a physician, team member, employer and as a teacher. The unending love and support I receive from them even after so many years continue to amaze and humble me.
What are the setbacks you have faced? How did you tackle these setbacks or challenges? And what lesson have you learned from it?
Being a single mom trying to balance work and my child was a challenge. I also went through a major accident around the same time that added to the setbacks. There were societal perceptions and expectations as a woman physician. But I didn’t give up and pushed myself to get up again and again. It made me stronger and with sheer will, I pulled out of my setbacks. The lessons I learned are that your family will always be there for you, cherish them. Don’t hesitate to ask for help, you can form bonds for life. I also learned not to take things seriously, and to enjoy the moments. To date, the changing world of dermatology is the biggest challenge for me. It’s evolving so fast, sprouting so many diversification and at times I feel I don’t know about them. But then I tell myself it’s okay to not know everything. I am comfortable not knowing certain things .

When you look back, what are the three qualities in you that have helped you become what you are today?
Strong will, positive outlook and compassion are my three qualities. It was tough, challenging and filled with struggles, but it is also the most rewarding and satisfying journey. My strong will taught me not to bow down to pressure of any kind and stick to my convictions. My positive outlook made me understand that women have to be more like men – don’t be timid but don’t be a super feminist, be proud to be a woman. My compassion gave me the insight to know the differences and respect those differences. Learn from men to be objective but maintain your sensitivity.
Who are the people who have been the wind behind your wings?
My parents are my strongest wind. I have grown up watching my parents go the extra mile to add smiles to everyone’s lives. They inculcated in me the vision that life has to be more than what meets the eye. My son, my friends and my team give me the wisdom to balance my life and give myself the break when needed.
Lastly, if there was a quote to define you, what would it be?
“Happiness is free, sprinkle it everywhere.” My pursuit in my field was never just achieving excellence in skills and techniques but has been more of how much it adds value to the lives of those people who put their faith and trust in me. YAVANA is not just my brand, but a way of life, a collective faith and trust of many. It’s a galaxy of thousand smiles that makes it shines bright. To my believers I say, it’s your smile that adds a mile – to my rewards, my excellence, my fulfillment and my achievements. It’s always my believers who reflect me and my efforts, not me. My destination will always keep staying ahead, because when it comes to smiles, still there are miles to go and promises to keep. And since the best can always be better, YAVANA and my journey are everlasting.