TheGlitzMegaStarMom Divya Dixit has 20+ years of experience in marketing and brand building across industries — digital, broadcast, telecom, and music. She’s also a dedicated mom who says that after the birth of her daughter, “I was reborn with her.” Ask Divya about her children and she avers, “I have three kids. 1 born from me and 2 came home to live with us, furry paw babies… and my heart stays with them all the time no matter where I am.”

As a part of TheGlitzMegaStarMom initiative, could you tell us about the magical moments of your journey as a MegaStar Mom and what TheGlitzMega StarMom initiative means to you?
For me, my daughter was very precious because she happened after years of trying, 4 miscarriages and multiple treatments before and during pregnancy. Needless to say, I was reborn with her. The 13 hours of excruciating pain were forgotten the moment I held her, I know it sounds cliched but it’s true. In fact I couldn’t sleep the first night post her birth because I was up just checking on her, looking at her and counting her fingers and toes, unable to believe that this beautiful girl was mine. Now she is a big girl, studying business in Canada, full of confidence, spunk and taking life decisions and I cannot be a prouder mother. But she still finds time to chat and gossip with me twice a day every single day and that’s what being a Mother means, being there, being present. And I cannot say it enough that being a mother is the most soul-satisfying thing, though it also means you are wearing your heart out of yourself, with your child all the time. By the way, I have 3 kids – Aadya Dixit, Bond Dixit and Zeke Dixit and my heart stays with them all the time no matter where I am.
I think TheGlitzMega StarMom initiative is a great one as it allows mothers to not only reminiscence on their most magical moments with their children but also allows them to be appreciated for the backbreaking, constant hard and emotional work that women put in being Mothers. It’s admirable how women are the pillars of society and shape the future of the world.
Pick out three of fave moments with your li’l ones.
I have 3 kids. 1 born from me and 2 came home to live with us, furry paw babies.
Aadya Dixit, Bond Dixit and Zeke Dixit in that order.
Bond is a pug and came home on a Christmas night squirming all of 45 days in my lap and the first thing he wanted to do was eat and sleep in bed with us, not his bed. He’s 11 years old now and still loves to eat and sleep, hates ambulance sirens, loud noises, kids crying and barks at all the cars.
Zeke Dixit entered our lives because we felt Bond needed some company. He’s a shitzu and the first thing he demanded when he came home was to get out of the basket and roam the house independently and mark all territory as his. He’s 5 years old, loves his brother insanely, is a finicky eater but loves paneer, hates being bathed but loves his green toy and the fetch game.
With all these 3, as a working mother, I have faced emergencies and rushing to school for the 2 legged one and rushing to doctors for all the 3 tumbling down or coming up with infections/fevers or getting shots. But the most magical moments are the ones where I sit with them and just unwind after a tough day; especially now when my furry babies sensed my loneliness when my daughter left for Canada and wouldn’t leave me alone for a moment at home; as if they knew.
Tell us about three challenges and rewards of running a successful business or being an influencer while being a mother.
I guess those will be pretty easy for anyone to define, one of the biggest challenges is ‘working mother guilt’; being busy and feeling like you’re never able to take out enough time for your kids, not as much as you’d like to. The second would be seeing them live away from you and allowing them to face their own challenges; while keeping a motivational stance; my daughter recently underwent surgery in Canada alone, as I could not get the visa on time and reached later. The third I would say, is you wanting to be there for every moment, to not miss a single experience but unfortunately it happens, whether it is PTAs or Dressups or school plays; all the working mothers face this day-on-day and still create an admirable balance.