Whenever I speak to Mumbai’s ace PR consultant Prashant Golecha, I tell him, “You should be an actor or a model.” Well somebody up there must have heard that and guess what… Prashant turned model with former Bollywood actress-turned-NGO owner, the compassionate Somy Ali’s No More Tears’ range of Human Being T-shirts.
For the unversed, Prashant Golecha is arguably one of the best PR consultants who is extremely passionate about his brands and his clients. He has been in the industry for a long time and is an MBA in Marketing.

So what made Somy offer Prashant a modeling opportunity? Somy says, “Prashant Golecha is extremely professional and above that he is a fantastic human being which makes him shine and fit our range of t-shirts with the profit of the entire sales going to our NGO “No More Tears” vision and mission. I urge everyone to log onto our website and purchase our t-shirts”.
She further adds, “I feel Prashant, aka Lashkarm, has the potential in terms of a model and he should definitely consider acting too. Maybe he can combine modeling and a music video, to begin with”.
She further adds, “Acting is about talent and opportunities both. Never say never. Maybe I also may make a comeback. It’s all about destiny and I wish the best for Lashkarm. He may attract the right opportunities and may he manifest what he truly wants”.

“For the uninitiated Prashant Golecha is one PR individual whose goodwill, intelligence, and professionalism precede him. It would be fantastic to see him model more and may he get the right acting break too which matches his willingness to groom his rawness and learn on the job. There are very few people who put others before themselves and Prashant is one of those rare humans who is always worried and on the lookout for others’ well-being before worrying about his own needs. This in itself makes him unique as a person and I am so glad that he is the one promoting our NGO’s t-shirts”. She concludes.