In a remarkable collaboration, global star Priyanka Chopra Jonas has boarded Adam J. Graves’ Oscar-qualified short film Anuja as an executive producer, adding her star power to a project that is already generating significant awards buzz. Directed by Graves and produced by his wife, the acclaimed visual artist Suchitra Mattai, Anuja tells a deeply moving story of two sisters fighting to survive in a world set against them. The film has captured critical attention after winning the Oscar-qualifying Live Action Short Award at the 2024 HollyShorts Film Festival and being shortlisted for the 2025 Academy Awards. TheGlitz reports…
Anuja: A Saga
Anuja is a poignant narrative centered on a nine-year-old orphan named Anuja, who works in a back-alley garment factory alongside her older sister, Palak. When faced with a rare, life-changing opportunity, Anuja must make a choice that will shape not only her future but also the fate of her family. This film takes viewers on an emotional journey, showcasing the resilience of children in the face of harsh realities.
Speaking about her involvement in the project, Priyanka Chopra Jonas shared: “This beautiful film shines a spotlight on a subject that affects millions of children around the world, who are faced with the impossible decision between a future they cannot yet see and the immediate realities of their present. Anuja is a poignant, thought-provoking piece that makes us reflect deeply on the power of choices and how they shape the course of our lives. I am immensely proud to be associated with such a phenomenal and impactful project.”
PeeCee & Anuja
Chopra Jonas, a true multi-hyphenate talent and a New York Times bestselling author, continues to captivate audiences globally with her diverse body of work. Having starred in and produced numerous critically acclaimed films, including Netflix’s Oscar-nominated The White Tiger, she is set to appear in highly anticipated projects like Prime Video’s Heads of State alongside Idris Elba and John Cena, as well as the upcoming feature The Bluff. Her role as an executive producer on Anuja marks another milestone in her already illustrious career as both a producer and an advocate for socially relevant cinema.
The making of Anuja was a deeply collaborative effort, produced in partnership with the Salaam Baalak Trust (SBT), a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting street and working children, and SHINE GLOBAL, the production company behind Academy Award-winning films like War/Dance (2007) and Inocente (2012). The film also partnered with Krushan Naik Films, adding further depth to its impressive production roster.
Adding authenticity to the powerful narrative, lead actress Sajda Pathan brings her real-life experience of surviving on the streets of Old Delhi to the screen. Like Anuja, Sajda’s early life was marked by hardship before she found refuge with the Salaam Baalak Trust, making her portrayal of the character deeply personal and compelling.
More Facts
Behind the lens is Adam J. Graves, a director whose previous work, including the award-winning short Cycle Vérité (2021), has established him as a filmmaker with a passion for telling raw, human stories. Anuja also benefits from the vision of producer Suchitra Mattai, a multidisciplinary artist whose work focuses on reimagining historical narratives and celebrating the power of women.
Anuja made its world premiere at the prestigious deadCenter Film Festival before taking home the coveted Best Live Action Short Award at HollyShorts. With the film now shortlisted for the 2025 Oscars®, it continues to inspire with its powerful message and stunning performances.
As Anuja edges closer to its Academy Award journey, the involvement of global icons like Priyanka Chopra Jonas further amplifies the film’s impact, ensuring that its heartfelt story resonates with a wide international audience. The film’s exploration of systemic exploitation, poverty, and the power of resilience makes it a must-watch for those seeking not just entertainment but profound social commentary.
With its star-studded backing and evocative storytelling, Anuja is poised to make waves on the awards circuit and leave a lasting mark on audiences around the world.