India’s First Lady of Fitness, the gorgeous Nawaz Modi Singhania who is an inspiration to all fitness enthusiasts, debuts as author of Pause, Rewind – a book on aging with grace. Launched at Crossword, Kemps Corner, Nawaz along with Raveena Tandon, Kunal Kohli and Perizaad Zorabian talk about what inspired Nawaz to pen this book & more. Sumita Chakraborty, Editor-in-chief, TheGlitz reports.
Nawaz Modi Singhania launched her new book Pause, Rewind (A Penguin Random House India Publication, EBURY PRESS), at a star-studded packed house at Crossword, Kemps Corner. The book, a bible on anti-aging via natural means, compiles Nawaz’s years of knowledge and expertise on fitness, self-esteem, nutrition and so much more.

She shares time-tested techniques developed by her as a leading fitness consultant, including facial fitness exercises, muscle work, how to build the immune system, health-promoting foods& more. The book highlights lesser-discussed factors that affect ageing, including sleep, hydration, stress, drinking, smoking, what’s in your head and heart space, and one’s mindset— positive or negative. She also shares aspects of reversing the effects of ageing, whether it’s weakened eyesight, reduced hearing, osteoporosis, and loss of stability and balance.

On the dais, along with the author Nawaz Modi Singhania were Chief Guest, actor Raveena Tandon Thadani, Panelist director/producer/ actor Kunal Kohli and host, actor-entrepreneur PerizaadZorabian Irani — their camaraderie was vivacious. The audience had dignitaries & prominent members of society like Dr. Swati Piramal, Sangita Jindal, Komal Wazir, Ananya Goenka, Pavan Anand, RiyhadKundanmal, Poonam Soni, Shibani Aggarwal, Namita Devidayal, Malini Agarwal, Arti & Kailash Surendranathand RJ Annie among others. Cheering for Nawaz from the front row were her daughters, Niharika and Nisa Singhania, her mother-in-law Asha Devi Singhania and her sister-in-law Shefali Singhania. Her brother, Senior Counsel Pesi Modi was also present at the event, along with close family and friends.

Nawaz, who started her fitness journey in 1991—when the fitness industry was still nascent—has been instrumental in ushering in a new wave of wellness through her brand Body ArtFitness Centres across Mumbai.
Over the years, she was approached by numerous publishers to author a book but since she was writing for various publications, and sharing her expertise on their platforms, she didn’t see value in a compiled book. However, over time, she realised that people were struggling with so many aspects of wellness—all of which came naturally to her and she had benefitted from—that she felt compelled to put that wisdom comprehensively for people to read, understand and follow.

On the occasion of the launch, the host for the evening, actor and entrepreneur PerizaadZorabian said, “It is an absolute honour for me to be here to cheer and celebrate my friend and soul sister, Nawaz Modi Singania, someone I adore, respect and admire greatly; not just for how stunning she is but more so for everything she stands for. Having known Nawaz for over a decade, I can say with assurance that every word written in this gem of a book—Pause, Rewind—is an honest reflection of the person she is and the life she leads. I loved the parts about spiritual resilience and discipline the most and enjoyed reading the book because it is written with such honesty, vulnerability and so much heart.”

At the event, a stunning audio-visual was played that gave the audience an insight into what one can expect from the book. During the event, Nawaz—wearing a beautiful pendant with the Pause, Rewind symbols and her signature smile—shared insights on how one can make fitness a family thing, making it a more inclusive habit and creating an ecosystem around it.

Raveena Tandon Thadani, who looked radiant as always, said, “Nawaz has been my inspiration and guide through pre and post-pregnancy, weight loss and on how to conduct oneself in day-to-day life to be healthy, fit and strong. She doesn’t believe in flaunting a six-pack to be healthy but insists on being healthy internally for it to reflect externally. Her ability to be with herself, even in a room full of people, is commendable. On our vacations, I’ve seen her take time for herself unapologetically and that I feel is so important, especially for women; not that I’m discrediting men from it; but for mothers mostly, their life revolves around running about for their families. I believe we need to take time for ourselves for whatever it might be – to meditate, do yoga, walk, swim, run, or just stand and stare at ourselves in the mirror and tell ourselves we’re beautiful! It makes you feel content and when you’re satisfied from the inside, it has a way of showing on the outside. For me, how I treat my body is very essential—that’s my temple—what I absorb every day is important. Besides, she is the only one I trust with my husband. Her sessions on Pilates really helped him with his back issues—she is indeed the best fitness expert we have.”
Kunal Kohli, who has known Nawaz since she got married to business tycoon, Gautam Singhania said, “The secret to looking good outside is to not to keep things inside of you—just say what you really feel. Besides the things Nawaz prescribes in the book and suggests, she doesn’t keep anything within. She just says it like it is. I also feel that the more you love your children, the more you love yourself and take care of your health. If you want to look after your kids and parents—you have to be healthy. That’s what Nawaz does. She looks after her kids and family because she does look after herself first. Both Gautam and her are health conscious and work towards staying fit and that’s an inspiration for many.”
An important topic discussed on the panel was that of botox, fillers, and cosmetic surgery which are no longer considered taboo as they previously were. “Young girls who want to change every single thing about their face and body,” says Nawaz is a cause for worry because “it does more damage to the mind than it does to the body. I don’t have anything against anyone who in advanced stages is taking a little help here and there with a little Botox or other treatments. My greatest worry about younger girls in their teens & twenties who are undergoing all sorts of surgeries—is what must that be doing to their mental, psychological, and emotional health?”
On self-esteem, Nawaz says, “That’s where you people should draw the line. Sometimes, you need to cut a limb to save the life and that’s okay. Once you are clear on your boundaries—the rest is easy. I think each one of us here deserves a solid, wholesome, happy, healthy life and that should be a priority always,” she adds.
Of the book, Dr Swati Piramal says, “Pause, Rewind is a seminal book that combines knowledge, science, spirituality and healing—an essential guide to living a healthy and happy life.”
Furthermore, sharing his views on the book, Actor-Producer-Humanitarian SonuSood says, “Nawaz is an encyclopaedia on all matters to do with fitness, wellness and on staying forever young. Easy-to-do tips and quick, unique practical ideas make it achievable for anyone wanting to live their best life, looking as good, fit and healthy as possible.”
Post the panel discussion, the floor was open for the press and for the audience to get their signed copies and beautiful giveaways were shared as well. The book is not only a treat-yourself-to-agood-read but also a timeless guide you can keep referring to take notes and apply to your daily life to nourish your mind, body and soul.
PRICE: ₹299
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Nawaz Modi Singhania

Nawaz Modi Singhania trained, taught and was certified in the US as a fitness professional by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and International Dance Exercise Association (IDEA) in the early 1990s. Upon her return to India, she founded a fitness centre, Body Art, which offers holistic mind, body, spiritual, emotional and psychological fitness programmes. Nawaz has participated in fitness conferences, workshops and conventions in the US, Australia, the UK, Singapore and Hong Kong. She is a columnist and has written for various online and offline publications, including MidDay, Femina, Times of India, Bombay Times, Mumbai Mirror, Hello, India Today, Hindustan Times, DNA, Deccan Chronicle, Cosmopolitan, Health & Fitness, Business World, G2 and others. She is interviewed regularly on various radio channels on fitness, health and lifestyle-related matters. She has appeared on various fitness shows as a judge and trainer, and on India’s biggest fitness channel—Tata Sky Active Fitness— as a fitness expert and show host. Pause, Rewind is her recent book.
ABOUT Pause, Rewind
To be our best physical and mental self for as long as we live- that’s what we all truly want. In this enlightening book, leading fitness expert Nawaz Modi Singhania writes about the role of fitness, nutrition and good mental health in ageing well. She shares successful techniques, tools and tips she’s scouted out and developed over the years to counter the effects of ageing. These include facial fitness exercises, health-boosting foods, ways to strengthen the immune system and lifestyle changes one should make. She also talks about the natural effects of ageing on our cognitive health, balance and functional fitness, and how we can offset these. Pause, Rewind is filled with handy and effective advice and strategies. For those seeking to age gracefully and healthily, this book is a must-read.